Riverside Christian Academy

Riverside Christian Academy

We are pleased to announce that the Riverside Education Society has received approval from the Ministry of Education and Child Care to open and operate Riverside Christian Academy. In September of 2024 we will begin operating as an Interim Group 3 Certified (K-Gr.3) school at Riverside Calvary Chapel in Langley, B.C. As a Group 3 Independent School, we trust the Lord to provide the finances at RCA, both for RCC and for individual families that choose to register. 

The school will be fully inspected in the fall and expects, upon resolution of any compliance issues identified during the inspection, to be issued full certification by the B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care shortly thereafter.  

Families are invited to apply for the following options:

Level 1 Learners: Kindergarten Academy (5 years)  

This teacher-led program is for children born in 2019. It functions on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons from 12:30 PM – 2:45 PM, following Little Lighthouse. The tuition is $1200 per year (or $120/month over 10 months). The discipleship of students in Christ will remain the focus of this program. In partnership with parents, we will work together to build the foundations for biblical understanding, literacy, numeracy and social emotional development. 

Level 2 Learners (6 – 8 years)

This program is for children aged 6-8, born in 2016, 2017, or 2018. We offer a multi-age learning model where children can spend time, not only learning from a teacher, but also learn from one another. Students will attend on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:45 AM – 2:45 PM for $4500 per year (or $450/month over 10 months). Students will be discipled in Christ through the deep exploration and study of God’s Word, Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, Socials Studies, and Fine Arts.

If you have any further questions or inquiries, or to simply set up an appointment for further discussion, please contact Kelly Koch.

For those who wish to apply, please visit our student admissions page for more detailed information.